• Class 1 – we love books!!

    Yesterday we celebrated our love of books for World Book Day. We all came to school dressed as our favourite characters and we all looked fabulous!!

    Characters from well known stories were hidden round the classroom and our mission was to find and write them!

    We created our own books.

    We also made story boxes based on one of our favourite stories.

    We had such a fabulous day and we all agree that Class 1 loves books!!

  • 🪩⭐School Disco⭐ 🪩

    Wow what a night! Thank you so so much to our wonderful PTFA for organising a fabulous disco for our children. The children have had such an amazing night and what great dance moves they have! The children have enjoyed their pizzas, donuts, the foam machine and being able to have their faces painted. Thank you to the Big little theatre DJ who entertained the children from the moment they danced through the hall doors to the very end! Thank you to the staff who stayed to support our school disco to ensure our children make amazing memories at our wonderful school.

  • Growing cress in Class 2!

    Over the last two weeks in Class 2 we have been growing and looking after our very own cress! Our Science topic for this term is ‘Plants’ and we were very excited at the thought of growing our own. Mrs Doyle told us we were growing our seeds in cotton wool…we thought this was a bit strange but it worked!! First we had to dampen the cotton wool and then scatter our seeds on top. We decided to place our cress in the window sill to ensure they got some sunlight and we added more water to the cotton wool when it got too dry. We tracked our cress’ growth by measuring the height of the stems, it went from 0cm, to 3cm, to 5cm! Finally today our cress had reached it’s full growth and it was time to try our cress! Some children said it tasted like mint, spicey or like onion.

  • Number Day in Class 1!

    Today we have taken part in NSPCC’s Number Day! We all looked amazing in our number-inspired outfits and enjoyed looking at what each other was wearing. During the day we took part in a number of different number activities: we designed our own number day t-shirts, made a numbers to 10 flower, watched some number blocks and sang some number songs. One child even made their own number story book which was amazing to read at the end of the day.

  • ⭐Kindness Spotlight ⭐

    Our School Councillors are very proud to announce our ‘Kindness Spotlight’. As a team, they have worked together to decide how this achievement would work at our school. The kindness spotlight links with our school aim: “achieving through kindness, compassion and perseverance” which is an area the school Councillors have focused on since September.

    What is the kindness spotlight and how does it work?

    Every week each class teacher will chose a member of their class. During circle time the children will share comments about that chosen member. We will then celebrate this as a whole school during our celebration worship on a Thursday. Today was of first time of introducing the ‘kindness spotlight’ during celebration worship; it was lovely to hear the children say such wonderful, inspiring and carefully thought about comments about our 4 children who have been chosen for the kindness spotlight this week.

    Well done ⭐

  • Class Three Art

    We have been experimenting with Frottage. This is the technique of using texture in a picture, so we looked at using rubbings to create different ways of colouring in. It was lots of fun and we look forward to using this skill to create some more pieces of Art next week.

  • What is a map?

    The children in class 2 have been looking at maps. The children learnt what a map is and its purpose. The children spoke about whether they have ever used a map before and if so for what. Next week, the children will be creating their own maps. I wonder where their maps will take us? To find treasure on a beach or through a magically forest… can’t wait to find out!

  • Wonderful Week in Class 2 🤩

    We have had a wonderful week in Class 2. Here’s a little snippet of our week:

    The children have enjoyed retelling our class story ‘into the forest’. In Literacy, we are reading The Last Wolf by Mini Grey. We have been learning about nouns, adjectives and verbs and using these in sentences. The year 1 children have been looking at numbers to 20 in maths. They have been making numbers using ten frames, tens and ones and counters. The year 2 children have been naming 2D and 3D shapes, making repeated patterns using shapes and looking at the faces, edges and vertices of 3D shapes. In Art, the have been very busy making 3D art inspired by contemporary artist Samantha Stephenson. The children enjoyed rolling, sticking and cutting the paper to create the different styles of towering tubes. We had a mystery reader who joined us this week. The children loved using the clues to guess who the mystery reader was! I wonder who our mystery reader is going to be next week? Eeeek exciting! The children love having their parents/grandparents/ carers come into read so if you would like to be a mystery reader please give the office a call and let them know.

  • Book Look 🤩

    Thank you so much to all the parents, carers and grandparents who attended our first after school book look today. It was lovely to see and hear our older children explaining their work, showing off their classrooms and showing their younger siblings around.

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